Friday, September 25, 2009


Welcome to our blog! I am a freshman at Grand Valley, the youngest in our group, and I am excited for my first year here. My declared major is history and my minor is undeclared. I am considering a music or English minor. With my history major, I hope to go to graduate school to get a Master of Library Science. Although my plans will most likely change given that I am an underclassman, I know that I love history, reading, and research, and I would enjoy a career based on these subjects.

I have loved history since middle school when my class discussed current events and debated about historical topics. I do not have a favorite area of history; on the contrary, I cannot decide which era is my favorite! I have never been exposed to an ancient history class so it will be interesting to learn about ancient cultures and customs.

In addition to history, I enjoy playing the piano, reading, knitting, and watching movies. I have played the piano for ten years and enjoy it as an emotional outlet. I had piano lessons since I was eight years old and I am feeling quite stressed in my first year without lessons and time to practice. I read frequently as well. My favorite literature is historical Christian fiction, with my favorite authors being Bodie and Brock Thoene. They write books about WWI, WWII, and the Israel-Palestine conflicts.

From History 203, I hope to learn more about ancient cultures, of which I know very little. I want to learn about the various ways that ancient cultures still impact the world today. Hopefully, in our blog we will be able to discuss topics talked about in class much more extensively. Also, I wish to improve my professional writing skills, because my high school did not prepare me well. I have never blogged before so it will be interesting to read and comment on other students’ posts.

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